Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turning 15th

(sweet picture from @makomoka & @icaice.Thanksss a lot! <3 )

Somehow this day is the golden birthday ever.
Turning 15th is not a usual age. i grew up with everything in a two different places. i learned how to adapt with a new school,friends,and environment.

I learned how i really miss my old place and feel that my real home is not here. i learned how to run,not how to walk or even stay in my spot. i learned how to move on,without look back and say hello to a  future and new things. i learned everything.

I grew up with every little thing i like and dislike. i grew up from such a nerd girl to a labile person. who fall in love in a few times and never stop until they wake me up. who sensitive and cry for a simple thing. who suddenly sad without reasons. who act without thinking first. who always doing everything that i cant imagine before.

I learned how apreciate and respect are the things we need for life. i learned how i always need someone's help. otherwise,i can't stand alone. i learned how we must say thank you even for a simple little thing. i learned that my parents really influental with me,who always beside me when i grew up without realize that they are getting older. i learned a lot.

I'm getting older. i may just an ordinary person,but i really apreciate and thank all whom wishes me a lot things. i'm getting older,and i really grateful for that.

Alhamdulillah,i'm turning 15th right now. without a big probs,without a bad disease,without a sorrow. :)

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